We provide all administrative solutions

Best solution for your business


Social insurance

Social insurance


Legal services

Legal services


Get Construction Help

Labor Affairs

who we are

an exceptionally unique experience tailored for your business

Tamken has been tackling business challenges that faced its partners’ day-to-day work while believing in mutual benefit and service excellence as a core value


We also believe that partners satisfaction is the roadmap to our success. Tamken’s experience is gained through real-life well planned business practices, hard work and dedication

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we provide best solutions

Beneath your expectation

We put our team at the tip of your finger as in tamken “You always come first” We are always enthusiastic, taking initiatives. We believe in relationships, not just doing business. We value teamwork, realizing that we are stronger together than as individuals. We take seriously the promises we make. We are passionate and driven to excel. With us it has never been about being the biggest. It has always been about being the best and doing the right thing.

Our Services

provided features


Local and foreign manpower

Following foreign manpower procedures in compliance with law.


Social insurance

Everything related to social insurance files for companies and individuals.


Legal services

Writing and revising all kinds of business contracts and ensuring its compliancy with law.


Labor Affairs

Everything related to business and workers starting with workers, facility and ending with terminating the business contracts in compliance with law.



Doing everything related to the worker after taking on his job holding full legal responsibility according to business contract such as social insurance, worker's file, opening a bank account and transferring of salaries.


our clients


Street 107, Maadi Al Khabiri Al Wasti, Maadi, Cairo Governorate 

Our hours

10:00 AM – 22.00 PM
Monday – Sunday

Contact us

Phone: 01050050002
Email: [email protected]